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Small size. Big function.

Fight the limits of urban space! With our new compact mobility miracle you can battle the shortage of spaces like a superhero: ride super compact, ultra strong and mega functional and exploit your precious space to the last centimeter.

Hans-E Keyvisual


Super compact, ultra strong and mega functional: the all-new HANS-E is developed from scratch to impress with its super compact dimensions. With a wheelbase of just 105 cm, it is an ultra robust construction with a wide range of use, a maximum system weight of 130 kg and a maximum rear carrier load of 20 kg. Remarkable: The special rear carrier construction enables upright parking.




Swiss Army knife on wheels. The main focus of the development was the functionality of the all-new compact bike platform. The large rear carrier with a load capacity of 20 kg also enables upright parking. The front carrier is compatible with all Bergamont cargo front carriers. With the easily height-adjustable handlebar​ the Hans-E is tailored for short as well as for tall people and therefore can be shared with your family.

HANS-E Key Feature

Little space? No problem! The HANS-E has a super compact and sturdy construction that makes it easy to carry, store and park. Due to the specially developed rear luggage carrier, you can easily jack up your HANS-E and park it in an upright and stable position - perfect for smaller apartments or narrow storage rooms.


With a wheelbase of just 105 cm, it is an ultra robust construction with a maximum system weight of 130 kg and a maximum rear carrier load of 20 kg. Never let your gear out of sight, with our practical front carrier. Even fully packed, the compact HANS-E has no problem accelerating you from 0 to 25 km/h in no time, thanks to the Bosch Performance Line motor with 65 Nm of torque.

Choose your HANS(-E)