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For Epic Adventures.

03 settembre 2018

Unbridled riding pleasure was a high priority when developing the new CONTRAIL aluminium platform. With the optimised all-mountain geometry and 130 mm suspension travel, we were able to push the boundaries of the 29" full suspension bike even further. Countless features like the integrated Stashbox ensure that the CONTRAIL is armed and ready for any terrain, making it the perfect bike for enthusiasts and adventure seekers. The clear design and angular look highlight the uncompromising commitment to limitless riding pleasure.

New in 2019

  • New allmountain carbon platform
  • 130 mm travel
  • Optimised for 1by drive trains
  • Boost Standard front and rear
  • Integrated Stashbox including Tool Kit
  • Di2-Ready

Geometry Conversion

No compromise: The Flip Chip technology, combined with a head set cup delivered with the bike makes it possible to switch the bike from 27.5" to 29" wheels and back without changing the frame geometry.


Prepared for all eventualities: The intelligently integrated Stashbox contains a compact tool-kit for repairs on the go. Included are a mini ratchet and different bits (2 mm, 2,5 mm, 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm HEX + T25 TORX).