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Discovering the world through children’s eyes, freely exploring the surroundings, learning about mobility through play. Our kid’s bikes have everything that makes a true Bergamont. Well-designed geometry and reliable, solid equipment that sets no limits on the urge to play. For all little ones who want great experiences.


Lightweight 24" Kids All Terrain Bike with low standover height and lowered bottom bracket for ergonomic, child-friendly pedalling.


Brings monster-like fun: Lightweight 20" Kids Bike with low standover height and lowered bottom bracket for ergonomic, child-friendly pedalling.


Lightweight 24" Kids All Terrain Bike with low standover height and lowered bottom bracket for ergonomic, child-friendly pedalling.


Brings monster-like fun: Lightweight 20" Kids Bike with low standover height and lowered bottom bracket for ergonomic, child-friendly pedalling.